NTI/NTU Christian Fellowship
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
What happens when 2 CF Alumni Meet
Walking on Water
Sunday, 5th August 2007
In an earlier blog entry, I mentioned that I was invited by the NTU Christian Fellowship to speak at their recent Freshmen Orientation Camp about blogging for the Lord.
It just so happened that another alumnus by the name of Joshua Lye (whom I did not meet until that night itself) was also invited to speak about writing for the Lord.
Together with his wife, Florence, they have just released a book entitled Walking on Water (hence the title of today's post).
This book documents their journey from one of dryness whilst in a denominational church (he was a Lutheran while she was a Methodist), to one where they no longer experience burnout because they have learnt what it means to rest in the finished work of Jesus.
I have just finished reading Destined to Reign by Pastor Prince, and have now begun to read Joshua's book.
Joshua's and my spiritual journeys are somewhat similar. We backslid during the years before we entered NTU. We rededicated ourselves to the Lord and served Him zealous whilst on campus. Yet, somehow deep inside, there was still something missing spiritually and this prevented us from having a sustainable walk with Him, ultimately resulting in burnout.
Then by the grace of our Lord, an awakening took place which opened our spiritual eyes to the gospel of grace and finished work of the cross. This has resulted in us wanting to share our new-found joy and revelations with others.
Another similarity is that we are both "boring" accountants :-)
There are differences between Joshua and me, however.
Firstly, he was a Lutheran married to a Methodist. I am a Methodist who married a Lutheran.
Secondly, he shares what has happened in his life via a book. I share what is happening in mine via a blog.
Thirdly, while I take a more direct (some would even call "confrontational") approach, Joshua's approach is more persuasive. Those who "eat soft don't eat hard" 吃软不吃硬 (ie. prefer the soft rather than the tough approach) would definitely be uplifted by the testimonies found in his book.
Whatever may be our similarities or differences, what cannot be denied is that the Holy Spirit is doing a mighty awakening work, especially amongst the traditional churches. Just as the Lord was declaring in Zech 4:6, "it is not by might, nor by might, but by My Spirit." Amen!
Freshman Orientation Camp 2007
I was originally scheduled to be in HK for a project kick off session with a Client but God intervened and this became the 4th session since 2004. It was, indeed a blessing to be able to join the YOUTH ...
I was impressed by the fact that Shawn, the FOC Organising Chair actually called me to confirm that I will be there and that I will be sharing that evening. I was, unfortunately, not able to let him know who from the Alumni would be there.
When I arrived that evening, I had a pleasant surprise when I found out that I was at the "wrong" camp. It was the Chinese CF that was using the old bungalow and the English CF now is having a separate FOC. Wonderful, I thought, the CF has grown since 2005, when it was managed by the Chinese CF due to the challenges the year before.
24 July 2007 - Aloha Changi Chalets
Getting ready for the evening's programme ...
It was wonderful to be with the young people as I sat there thinking about those days, 25 years ago, when I was just like them ... But more so, I was thinking that God has re-juvenated the CF and I could feel the energy and the confidence that this batch of CFers will be able to make a difference in campus.
I met the new FES Staff worker, Evelyn, who has taken over from Francis.
Vivienne Liang - NTUCF Chairperson 2007/08
We were honored to meet Vivienne, who has the distinction of being the 2nd LADY Chairperson since 1985. The other being Li Shuan, Past President 93/94Here is Vivienne in action, sharing about the CF with the Freshies ...
The Alumni that turned up
(L-R) Matthew Ang, 2001; Martinn Ho, 1985; Malcolm Loh 1991; Florence & Joshua Lye and their two lovely children, 1991; Lee Koon and Sing Thai 1986 and F T Liu 1985Here's one with the 2007/08 Exco
From my right, we have Vivienne Liang, Rhoda, (oops ...??), and Mabel Tan - all the lady members of the 2007/08 Exco.Commercial Break - MEET GCUBE
And we have Dr Steve who was brought in as the Camp resident doctor because of Dengue ... and he also handled the commercial break talking about the FES GCUBE programme.I Blog by Faith
Malcolm Loh, alumni 91 Accountancy, was also invited to speak on how members of the Alumni can use technology to keep in touch as well as share your faith. Malcolm has a blog at http://rootss.blogspot.com/.Yap Kian Seng , Alumni EEE 89 has his at http://yapdates.blogspot.com/
Philip Ng , Alumni MPE 91 has his at http://boldeagle.blogspot.com/
Best Christian Blog of the Week award http://cyberanger.blogspot.com/
Tien Li trying to guess who is Lee Koon
We showed a 1983/84 photo and Tien Li was asked to identify who is Sing Thai and Lee Koon as they were both present at the FOC. Sing Thai was easier but Lee Koon was tough ... after 23 years ....Sharing on the NTI/NTU Alumni CF
I got a call from Shawn (Chairman of the FOC organising committee) reminding me of the invitation to speak. This year, we were invited to join the FIRST night of the FOC. In the past, we were invited to be there for the final night.Serious bunch, this year, as they wanted me to speak on the history of the NTU Christian Fellowship and the impact of being a part of the fellowship ...
Quote from Tien Li, Secretary, FOC Organising Committee 2007:
"We hope that you will be able to come over to Aloha Changi at 7.30 pm on Jul 24 as we come together to celebrate and walk through the many years of NTU CF, testifying to God's goodness and grace in our lives."
Coincidence - Mr Yeo Choo Kok
I shared about how, as a legal body in campus, we are in a position to influence policies that affect the student body. I related how I spoke up about the points system with the then, Director of Student affairs, Mr Yeo Choo Kok and two days later, in the Straits Times, it was reported that he died of cancer.Here's the letter that is published in the Straits Times online FORUM :
July 28, 2007 | |
Yeo Choo Kok - first-hand experience of a seasoned politician in action | |
I REFER to the article, 'Ex-PAP MP Yeo Choo Kok dies of cancer' (ST, July 26). It was the 1982/83 academic year when the first batch of students from NUS had settled down in their new campus at NTI and going into their third year of engineering studies. As pioneers, we began to put together the policies that govern the student body. The Student Union submitted a proposal for a points system to be awarded to office bearers of the various student bodies on campus. These points would be used as selection criteria for various activities including the admission to student hostels as well as the selection of the choice rooms. Religious bodies were excluded as the criteria set by the Student Union are that the office bearers need to service the student body at large. As president of the Christian Fellowship at the time, I wrote to the president of the Student Union objecting to the exclusion of office bearers in religious bodies on the grounds that we do serve the spiritual needs of the entire student body as all students are welcome to our activities. For example, we organised a campus-wide blood donation drive to support one of the students who was hospitalised and in critical condition due to leukaemia. The letter was copied to the Director of Student Affairs, Mr Yeo Choo Kok. Soon I was summoned to the Student Affairs Office to meet Mr Yeo and the president of the Student Union. He welcomed us by name, got us settled down comfortably on the sofa in his office, had drinks served and asked us to share our views on the issue. After listening to both sides, he asked the president of the Student Union to reconsider the decision as he felt that religious bodies do indeed serve the needs of the entire student body. That session, more than 20 years ago, left a deep impression in me as I experienced first-hand a seasoned politician in action (we knew he was an MP at that time) - he did not talk down to us, gave us a chance to share our views, shared his thoughts and guided us to come to a compromise - exco members of religious bodies were entitled to Tier One points while non-exco office bearers were entitled to lesser Tier Two points. Liu Fook Thim |
July 26, 2007 | ||
Ex-PAP MP Yeo Choo Kok dies of cancer | ||
By Ken Kwek | ||
Mr Yeo, who was elected to Parliament in 1970, served for four terms in the Delta constituency until 1988. The ward is now part of Tanjong Pagar GRC. Mr Yeo was diagnosed with stomach cancer in 2004, but his condition improved after an operation. He remained healthy and active until a relapse of the cancer in May this year. His only son, Mr Yeo Yee Peng, told The Straits Times yesterday that his father led an active life after retirement. 'He read a lot of books, enjoyed the occasional game of golf, and spent most weekends playing with my two kids, his granddaughters,' said the 43-year-old. As an MP, Mr Yeo was involved in a wide variety of community projects, including sports and charitable events. But he was especially interested in education and Chinese culture, and often spoke on these issues in Parliament. A graduate of the old Nanyang University, the predecessor of Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Mr Yeo was popular with the Chinese ground. But he was also fluent in English, having obtained a master's degree in linguistics at the University of California, Los Angeles in 1968. He spent his entire career in the university sector, and was director of NTU's student affairs department for 10 years until his retirement in 2001. Mr Yeo lived with his wife in a three-room flat in Havelock Road. The funeral wake will be on till Saturday at the open space next to Block 22. Among the first to attend the wake yesterday were his close friends and colleagues, including former MPs Phua Bah Lee and Chng Jit Koon. Former MP Chan Chee Seng remembers Mr Yeo as a 'very forthright man'. He told The Straits Times last night: 'He was a very knowledgeable person, and spoke openly on many issues. If he had doubts about a policy, he would say so honestly and without hesitation.' |
Part of Joshua Lye's Sharing ...
Daily Testimonies
Testimonies of ordinary people that inspires
Testimony 44: Joshua – A vision in 1992 fulfilled by the grace of God
Name: Joshua
Date: 26 July 2007
Location: Singapore
Yesterday, a dear brother – FT Liu invited me to share with a group of students from Nanyang Technological University (NTU). FT Liu is the leader of the NTUCF alumni. I shared some testimonies from my NTU days to encourage the students.
As I was sharing a testimony from 1992, I realized that a vision given by the Lord was fulfilled before my eyes even as I was sharing. I was in awe of God that He saw into the future. I would like to share this testimony to the glory of God.
In 1992, I was in my second year in the
I had to sit for a supplementary paper. I had to pass that paper in order to progress to the final year. One month before the supplementary paper, there were no improvements in my circumstances. I couldn’t concentrate to study. In fact, I became more anxious and troubled.
In the midst of my circumstances, I had even considered walking away from my problem. I couldn’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. There was no way out. Have you ever felt that way before? I was ready to give up on my scholarship and quit university. That was a low moment in my life.
I had already made up my mind. But I thought, let me seek God and hear what He has to say. I did not want to walk out of His will even though every atom in my being wanted to walk away from the problem. But in my heart, I knew that God would have the final say.
So I called Sister Eunice Ang at her office. The Lord had connected me to Eunice in the Lutheran church when the revival first started. She walks closely with the Lord and the Lord used her to minister prophetically and in visions in the church. She was like a spiritual mother who often encouraged me.
I told her my problem and I requested her to pray for me, and to tell me what the Lord has showed her. She said, “Give me some time, I will pray and I will get back to you.” That was in the morning.
In the late afternoon, I received a call from Eunice. She shared the vision that the Lord had showed her.
“I saw you as a boat that was floating on water. The boat was trapped within a ring-shaped wall. You tried but you couldn’t get out. Then the hand of the Lord came and lifted you out and placed me outside the ring. But I saw a second ring around you. Again you tried but you couldn’t get out. The hand of the Lord came and lifted you up again. But then I saw a third ring around you. You couldn’t get out and the hand of the Lord lifted you out for the third time. Then I saw you walking up a flight of stairs. When you reached the top, I was you before a group of young people and you shared with them that God’s grace is sufficient for us.”
I asked, “What does it mean?” Eunice said, “The three rings represent your struggle through the three years in NTU. The hand of the Lord carried you miraculously through each of the three years. After that you will progress in your natural and spiritual walk. When the Lord has established you, you will share with a group of young people that it was the grace of God that carried you through.”
I was concerned about passing my supplementary paper. But God showed a vision of the future way beyond the supplementary paper. I was awed. But I received my answer. The Lord had promised that He would bring me through my second year. I will clear my supplementary paper.
The rhema word of God is spirit and is life. It brought about a 180 degrees change in my heart. The peace of God entered my heart. In the midst of the internal storm, I experienced peace beyond understanding. Faith entered my heart and I knew that God would work a miracle – in spite of how impossible it seemed.
I believed God. I approached a friend to help me. I requested her to pass me all her notes and to run through a whole year’s syllabus for this challenging subject in less than one month. But I had a problem. She thought I was out of my mind. She said, “It’s just not possible.” I remembered what I said to her, “Luying, the Lord has given His word that I will make it. All you need to do is to help and we will leave the outcome to God. When I have cleared the exams, you will know that this is a miracle.” I didn’t know where that faith came from, but now I know it was the vision that carried me. [Aside - Dear Luying, thanks for the help, I trust you remember this interesting experience].
So Luying shared her notes and went through them briefly. The month went by quickly and I realized that I was still not prepared. I was in cold sweat the night before the paper. My wife
The next day, I went to the exam hall trusting God. It was like David facing Goliath. Goliath could tear him into pieces. Likewise, for me, it seemed impossible in the natural and only God could work a miracle. All I hung on to was that one vision – that promise from God.
I did my best. I answered half the paper to my best ability. When I walked out of the hall, I thought I had lost the battle. I was dejected. I answered half the paper. Assuming that I got half of my answers correct, I would have 25 marks. That would be too far off the passing mark. My head was hung down when I met
Can you imagine what was going through my mind? Everything that I saw and felt in the natural told me that I would fail. But everything that God had said through Eunice and
So we went for a good meal and gave thanks to the Lord. I committed the matter to God and did not entertain any doubts.
While we were waiting for the results, I would go with
I couldn’t bring myself to the notice board. Was it excitement of nervousness that I felt? So I told
I didn’t know how it happened. It was impossible in the natural. But it happened as God had said it would. I was in awe of God – and amazing His love for us. We sat at one of the study benches to worship God with songs. I recalled that it was raining at that time. It was like God’s showers of blessings were on us.
So the Lord carried me through three years. I graduated and started working. Years have passed and the Lord has blessed us in our natural walk and our spiritual walk. It was like walking up the flight of stairs in that vision which I had forgotten – saved in a corner of the hard disk in my mind.
Yesterday, as I was sharing with the group of your people (students) this testimony, and as I told them how the grace of God carried me through, the Lord said in my heart that the vision had been fulfilled. I often share with adults and working people, but this was the first time that I was sharing to a group of young people – as what Eunice saw in the vision. And best of all, these were NTU students!
Through the experience, many questions passed through my mind. Does not know our future? Does He see ahead of us? Can He bring to pass whatever He says? Is His grace sufficient for us whatever the challenge that confronts us? Do we have to walk away in defeat or can the power of the cross carry us through in victory? Do we really know how much He loves us? I am convinced that all the answers are positive for me and for you.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
About Daily Testimonies
Daily Testimonies is a compilation of testimonies of ordinary believers like you and me. These testimonies serve to inspire us because what God can do for others, He can do for us. A listing of testimonies is also available at http://www.dailytestimonies.blogspot.com. If you would like to share your testimonies with others, send it to us.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Freshman Orientation Camp 2006 Salt & Light
It’s time for the Freshman Orientation Camp 2006! This is a very exciting year for NTU Christian Fellowship because the freshman orientation camp will be conducted in 2 separate languages- English and Chinese.
The Freshman Orientation Camp is held to prepare and to equip the freshman entering into NTU to be effective Campus witnesses for Christ and also to bring to their awareness the dynamics and the importance of a campus ministry.
The details of the camp are:
Date: 25-28th July 2006
Venue: Changi Aloha Village
Camp Fee: $30
Mabel =)
Finale Night - 27 Jul 06 Thurs 8pm
j Session kicked off by Carlsen. Front View.Session kicked off by Carlsen. Back view.
Thank You Alumni for being there - You have been an inspiration
Sing Thai/86 & Wife Lee Koon/86... and son Peter.
(L-R) Malcolm Loh/91, Charles Loh/86, Margaret/Nanyang U - 79 , Sam/U of Spore - 79
(L-R) Jack Yap/86 and Keng Kit/87
The Skits Presentation
TV Commercials & Scriptures
LJS Flu Epidemic (Love Jesus Syndrome)
3 Angels in Action
Friday, July 15, 2005
Dear Liu Fook Thim,
NTU Christian Fellowship is holding a combine freshmen orientation camp with our Chinese counter part. This year we are going to Changi Fairy Point Chalet 2 and 4 to do this camp, which is from 12 July till 15 July. On the evening of 14 July, at about 7:30pm, there will be a Talentime presented by our camp participants. It is my honour to invite you and your fellowship of NTI/NTU alumni to be our judge for the Talentime.
Yours Sincerely,
Guan Jieying (NTUCF FOC chairperson)